Throughout the process of reading the most recent text, Sam Anderson’s “In Defense of Distraction,” as I was reading I found myself noting the similarities that this text had to the other pieces of literature that we have read so far, including Robin Marantz Henig’s “What Is It About 20-Somethings?”, listening to Thomas King’s Ted talk “Adults We need To Have The Talk”, and Richard Restak’s “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era.” All of these pieces share many common threads that are woven throughout them. Many shared the idea of how this new mindset will affect future generations. Others focused on the division of attention, and how multitasking is really just a ‘made-up’ legend. Some had similarities in who they referenced. In other cases they had similar themes, whether it was the topics themselves that were in common or the research approach, there were definitely overlaps between the pieces of work. In conclusion, even though all of  these authors had the intention of sharing  completely new perspectives with the world, they all managed to do so in a similar manner.